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Noha Al-Sharif's intentions are entirely pure when she expresses the power of prayer in her work. She is a sculptress from Jeddah and works at night on a rooftop platform. Her inspiration is Henry Moore, and very specific his sculpture group Three Piece Reclining Figure No. 1 (1961) about which she wrote a Masters thesis. In 2004 she graduated with a Bachelor's degree from the Jeddah College of Fine Arts. 

To the Edge of Arabia exhibition (2008) she contributed a group of her own: four figures of women. Together they are reminicent of the four fingers of a hand. They are a little less than life size and are made of marble aggregate and polyester resin and are completely black. In preparation of the work, named Humbly and devout, she made study photographs of young girls in abaya. It is how the figures in this group are linked together that is unusual and special to her: the act of prayer. (2009).


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From top to bottom: Humbly and devout (2008).